Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Minnie Mouse Birthday Decor


I created some fun center pieces for my friend's daughters 1st Birthday party.  Maritza was doing a Minnie Mouse theme but with a little twist. Instead of the normal red and black she was going with Hot Pink and Damask.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rosettes and Bows!



Been making rosette flowers and bows the last couple of weeks and still working on my headband holder orders.... Plus you know working full time during the night (my real job), oh yeah and also training for Transport. These little rolled fabric flowers are just too easy to make and the variety out there is infinite! I have a few other projects lined up to try and what not but I will post some photos of those when I'm done with them!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pink, Green, Yellow and Zebra Print


Candy Buffet Table

You can never grow wrong with these colors!!
These were the colors my friend used for her daughter's 1st birthday party. I was able to create whatever I could come up with. I had lots of fun working on this party, having the freedom to custom design party decor is fun!! Raquel (friend) did get tissue pom poms and orderd the ribbon for all the crafts we used. The candy was found all over town. More in depth photos coming soon!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Long time no WRITE!!

Oh it's been a while since I've posted, been a tad bit busy. I have got to update more often and let you all know what I'm up to.... Headband Holders of course! My shop on etsy is keeping me quite busy, I tried to quit taking orders but that didn't happen!  On top of that my little boy turned 3, he's so not a little boy anymore. His party was a total success and I did it on my own since my hubby was out of town because he scored some tickets to the Master's practice rounds.... crazyness all around!

I'll post up some photos later this weekend of all the fun stuff I've been doing.....

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crafty Fun for Valentines!

Had some fun with Marshall's (my son) Valentines for his daycare class. Did a real simple but cute candy holder. THANKS to my Cameo!!! Probably would have added more but decided to keep them really simple, the kids probably would want the candy anyway.

What else am I up to.... hmmmm
Continuing my Alphabet Art and it's a super fun way to display your kiddos name :)
They'll hang up on the wall and/or can sit on a bookshelf!

Here is my other obsession that I can't stop and it's actually taking me away from my scrapbooking :( but it's too much fun.

 Hair Accessories have become my new addiction and I can't stop. 
And I can't keep them in stock, gotta figure a way to make them in bulk, lol.  
Maybe getting some extra arms might help!!! But it's a good thing right?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Finding time to Crotchet!

Found the cutest crotchet pattern on etsy (my fav of course!) and have been trying to whip these babies out!  here is the link to where I found the patterns!!! LOVE THEM, actually bought a few of them :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I've been so hooked on making Headbands and Holders that I have not paper crafted in a while!! But today I'm working on some Initials for some co-workers, 3 letters to do. I will post some photo's when I'm done!!

Also, Valentines day is around the corner and I'm wanting to craft some cute cards for all the grandmas in my son's life as well as aunties!! But I'm a little tired from lack of sleep so we will see how much I get done!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Headband Holders

Been busy busting out these headband holders!!! And I'm enjoying it too!! All the different fabrics that I have run into at the stores is just overwhelming because all of the ideas that keep popping into my head! I want to try new ribbons and different styles of trims.

Also trying to keep up with the blinged out bows!! So I recently purchased a rhinstone setter and I love it. I can place rhinestones on some of my smallest bows!! And for LARGER projects I am using my Cameo (did I mention that I love this machine).

Anyway back to my holders, I would love to create a bulk of them and sell them at the The Palace Courtyard for crafters!! This awesome place lets you rent a space and you're able to sell your crafts!! People come in buy what they like from you!! Awesome :)

Well I'll see if I get this done..... gotta save up some cash to do this!